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A Way to Kill Schoolchildren by Victorio S. Sugbo (Poem)

A Way to Kill Schoolchildren
by Victorio N. Sugbo

Earlier, the President said that
the country had managed its debt
problem better than other debtor
countries, citing an economic
analysis by economist Richard Mattione
entitled “Managing World Debt: Past
Lessons and Future Prospects.”

– BT 2 February 1986

Tell them fairy tales –
A huge boar gores mountain villages;
Black-streaked monkeys tote guns in tree perches;
Charmed mice with pots and pans flee
to the lowlands;
A dreaded king eats slime to live.
If they look wide-eyed,
It is not out of wonder;
They cannot think beyond listening
The gnawing at their stomachs.
If they shake their heads
Or rankle or yawn,
Give them melted caramels.
Promise them toy trains, toy rails, toy bridges.
Show them how a brat can be made invisible
Under their breaths.
And when they clasp their hands
Like little angels,
Tell them more fairy tales.

The Summer Solstice by Nick Joaquin (Short Story)

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